GBC Updates
Return To Sport Update
As a part of Step 2 of the Government of BC’s Restart Plan, GBC has updated its Return to Sport Plan to help guide all of its member clubs in maintaining safe environments while transitioning back to normal life following the COVID-19 pandemic.
16 Jun 2021
GBC Launches New Safe Sport Webpage
Gymnastics BC is pleased to announce the official launch of our safe sport web page and all related policies.
13 Jun 2021
GBC Welcomes Nigel Loring As CEO
Gymnastics BC is pleased to welcome Nigel Loring as our CEO. With over 25 years of experience in sport management and leadership, Nigel will be a strong addition to the team, allowing the organization to continue providing excellent programming and member services to the GBC community.
01 Feb 2021
Return To Sport Updates
Over the past two weeks, Gymnastics BC staff have been working hard to advocate on behalf of our members.
07 Dec 2020
Return To Sport Phase 3 & Town Halls
On Monday, August 24, Minister Lisa Beare announced that the BC sport sector is moving into Phase 3: Progressively Loosen.
28 Aug 2020
2020-21 Registration Handbook
Following approval of fees for the 2020-2021 season, GBC’s Registration Handbook is now available online.
2020 EGM Results
Thank you to everyone who took part in the 2020 Gymnastics BC Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM).
Entering Phase 3: Progressively Loosen
Yesterday, Minister Lisa Beare announced that the BC sport sector is now moving to Phase 3: Progressively Loosen. viaSport’s Return to Sport document has been updated accordingly, and is available online.
25 Aug 2020
Notice of 2020 EGM
Your Board of Directors met last week and spent a significant amount of time discussing the various attributes, pros, cons, benefits, and risks surrounding the insurance policy options that were available.
28 Jul 2020
Risk Management Forms
Following our Virtual Town Hall Recap announcement yesterday, we have finalized three risk management forms that all member clubs must implement immediately.
10 Jun 2020
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