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Return To Sport
Gymnastics BC is pleased to announce that our Board of Directors has approved our Return to Sport Plan, following the release of viaSport’s Return to Sport Guidelines earlier this week.
05 Jun 2020
Spieth America Equipment Cleaning Practices
Spieth America is taking several initiatives to provide for the safe return of staff and athletes to their gymnastics facilities.
21 May 2020
Reopening The Sports Industry
GBC staff recently took part in an online roundtable held by viaSport. During the call, viaSport staff shared that the government has implemented process changes which will impact timelines on finalizing sport-specific reopening plans.
15 May 2020
BC’s Restart Plan And GBC’s Return To Play
BC’s Premier, John Horgan, together with BC’s Minister of Health and Provincial Health Officer, recently announced BC’s Restart Plan
07 May 2020
Canadian Centre For Child Protection: COVID-19 Support
The Canadian Centre for Child Protection (Canadian Centre) is offering resources and information to help keep families, schools, child-serving organizations, and, most importantly, children safe during this unprecedented time.
24 Apr 2020
Remote Training And Insurance Coverage
Following our announcement last week regarding remote training and insurance coverage, additional requirements have been put in place to ensure the safety of remote training participants and coaches.
03 Apr 2020
Free Coach Education Webinar – Managing Load: Preventing Injuries and Increasing Performance
Gymnastics BC invites all coaches to attend its first educational webinar for coaches
01 Apr 2020
Employment Law During COVID-19 And Beyond
Gymnastics BC invites all club managers or owners* to attend its first Plan, Enact, Adapt Webinar
30 Mar 2020
Gymnastics Clubs: Operational Staff And Cleaning Permitted
Gymnastics BC recently received confirmation from the insurance provider confirming that general maintenance, cleaning, and office work at the gym is permitted, provided that the measures put in place by BC Public Health are followed.
20 Mar 2020
Employment Insurance (EI): Everything You Need To Know
Workers and businesses hurt by the COVID-19 pandemic may be eligible for part of the $82 billion aid package announced Wednesday by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau...
19 Mar 2020
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