Gymnastics BC’s Safe Sport Commitment.
Like other sport organizations in British Columbia, GymBC is committed to creating a sport environment that is accessible, inclusive, respects their participants personal goals and is free from all forms of Maltreatment. As part of GymBC’s commitment to Safe Sport our staff and board have completed Commit to Kids training (from the Canadian Centre for Child Protection).
The welfare of all participants in the sport is one of GBC’s foremost considerations. In particular, the protection of athletes who are vulnerable individuals is the ongoing responsibility of each member of the gymnastics community. GymBC, as primarily a youth-serving organization, recognizes that it has a special position in the gymnastics community in BC, which implies a responsibility to develop policies, procedures and standards that assist its members in achieving a Safe Sport Environment.

GymBC is committed to educating its members to achieve a safe, healthy and inclusive training and competitive environment. Education initiatives include: development and dissemination of template documents for members; webinars; coach education initiatives; mandatory training requirements (e.g., Commit 2 Kids Training), and information sessions for specific stakeholder groups (coaches, athletes, judges, etc.).