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Insurance & Risk Management

Reporting Incidents & Filing Claims

When An Incident Occurs

Reporting An Injury or Accident

GymBC worked with Activity Messenger to create an online system for Injury/Accident Reports, Suspected Concussion Reports, and Follow-Ups to Injury / Accident Reports.

The system allows the individual completing the form, the GymBC Member Club, and the GymBC office to immediately receive a PDF version of the completed incident report. GymBC can quickly flag serious injuries (i.e. those that require a trip to the hospital), and initiate potential insurance sport accident claim processes to support the injured club member and their family.

In the long term, the system will also allow GymBC to analyze the injuries at member clubs and to support member clubs with resources and educational tools.

Any outcome/experience that requires First-Aid intervention in the GymBC Member club. For instance:

  • Example 1: A gymnast experiences pain after landing ‘funny’ on a beam dismount, and they are unsure if they have a sprain/strain/fracture.
    • Form required: Injury/Accident Report Form.
  • Example 2: A parent is walking in the front entrance. They slip and fall, requiring medical attention.
    • Form required: Injury/Accident Report Form.
  • Example 3: Two Active Start participants run into each other on the floor and one of them hits their head.
    • Form required: Suspected Concession Report Form.
  • Example 4: An interclub athlete needs a band aid from a cut that occurred the previous day at school
    • Form required: None, as the injury/accident did not occur at a member club or GymBC sanctioned event.

  1. Prioritize any emergency response actions required to support the person(s) involved.
  2. Once appropriate care has been given (or medical processes have been initiated), the coach/manager/staff member must select the appropriate report form based on the Accident/Injury. The forms are listed here:
  3. The coach/manager/staff member should determine if there is potential for a sport accident insurance claim to be submitted to GymBC (see below).
  4. A follow-up report form should be submitted based on the recovery/medical diagnosis of the injury:
  5. If you have questions about any step in the process, please contact GymBC’s Sport Safety Officer at


  • If a participant is registered a member of GymBC (not a drop-in, Birthday Party or Field Trip).
  • If a participant’s injury may result in rehabilitation costs that exceed the paramedical benefits that they have access to through their employment or their parent / guardian’s employment.

  • Complete the  Sport Accident Claim form.
  • Have the attending dentist or physician complete the applicable form for dental and medical reimbursement.
  • Submit Sport Accident Claim Form or Dental Supplementary Claim Form to club management for certification and signature.
  • Please note: Claim forms submitted without a physician or dentists’ signature will be not be eligible for processing.
  • Club management will send the completed form to within 25 days of the injury to start the claim process with the insurance company.
    • Following this step, an insurance adjuster will make direct contact with claimants (participants/parents) to reimburse their covered medical expenses.

The insurance company will not process a claim until it is verified by GymBC.

  • GymBC will verify and forward the claim to the insurance company the same day it is received.
  • Due to the time constraints, it is very important that all claim forms are sent to GymBC – do not send directly to the insurance company.
  • The time required to process a claim varies depending on the severity of the injury/accident and how complicated the claim is.