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Return To Sport Update

JUNE 16, 2021


As a part of Step 2 of the Government of BC’s Restart Plan, GBC has updated its Return to Sport Plan to help guide all of its member clubs in maintaining safe environments while transitioning back to normal life following the COVID-19 pandemic. This update was guided by changes to the Government of BC’s Gathering and Events Order. Please note that these updates may only be in place for a short period of time as the Government of BC is looking to progress to Step 3 of the Restart Plan as soon as July 1, 2021. A large amount of the requirements have been modified in this version of GBC’s Return to Sport PlanAll GBC member clubs should review the entire document and update their Safety Plans accordingly!

More information and graphics describing the BC Restart Plan are available here.

viaSport’s Information and FAQs about the Sport Sector is available here.

Key Updates for GBC’s Return to Sport Plan (June 15th, 2021 Step 2 Update) are:

  • Recreational Travel is allowed within BC, including for Sport.
    • Anyone other than spectators can enter member club’s facilities for the purposes of sport as long as they follow your club’s Safety Plan. This includes learning facilitators, judges, athletes, coaches, etc.
  • No physical distancing is required on the field of play for indoor sports.
    • This means that all types of spotting are allowed.
  • A maximum of 50 individuals (including coaches, athletes, managers, etc.) can be in one gym space (separate area) at one time. For more information refer to the Occupancy Section in the Return to Sport Plan.
  • Physical distancing of 2 Metres is required to be maintained by all individuals outside of the field of play, unless seated.
  • Socializing before and after sport activities is not allowed inside the facility.
  • Hand sanitizing stations should be maintained throughout facilities.
  • Floor markings to direct traffic flow and physical distancing should be maintained.
  • Contact tracing and screening requirements should be maintained.
  • There is no differentiation for youth programming or adult programming.
  • Masks must be used for all participants aged 12+ off of the field of play.
  • No spectators are allowed in gymnastics clubs.
  • Cleaning requirements must follow the WorkSafeBC Guidelines, indicating that all high touch surfaces (including Gymnastics Equipment) should be cleaned, then disinfected twice per day.
  • Drop-in classes and Birthday Parties are allowed as long as all aspects of club Safety Plans are followed.

If you have any questions about GBC’s Return to Sport Plan, please contact GBC’s Safety Officer, Nathan Kindrachuk at

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Gymnastics BC

We are responsible for the governance, promotion, and development of gymnastics in BC and are dedicated to making gymnastics an accessible sport for all.