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Reopening The Sports Industry

MAY 15, 2020


Update: Reopening the Sports Industry
GBC staff recently took part in an online roundtable held by viaSport. During the call, viaSport staff shared that the government has implemented process changes which will impact timelines on finalizing sport-specific reopening plans.
An overview of the process presented by viaSport is provided below. 
Return to Play Process
– The provincial government has asked viaSport to put together Return to Sport Guidelines.
– viaSport is currently finalizing these guidelines, which will be reviewed by public health officials and WorkSafe BC.
– Once approved, these guidelines will be released to the Provincial Sport Organizations (PSO’s) so each PSO can complete sport-specific reopening plans.
– Once GBC’s plan is complete, it must be approved by GBC’s Board of Directors and then the final version will be shared with clubs.

Until the above steps are completed, organized sports are not permitted to resume activities. For further details, please read viaSport’s letter to BC’s PSO’s online.
Status of GBC’s Return to Play Plan
As you know, Gymnastics BC staff took a proactive approach and began working on a reopening plan weeks ago, which put us ahead of many other PSO’s.
Although GBC’s Return to Play plan is nearing completion, we must wait for viaSport’s guidelines in order to finalize our document and move forward.
Town Hall Details
A tentative date for GBC’s next Town Hall has been set for the week of May 25, and further details will be released in the coming business days.
GBC staff will circulate a draft summary of our Return to Play plan by May 22, in order to give clubs time to review the document before the Town Hall occurs.
Our Commitment Moving Forward
At GBC, we are committed to providing you with up-to-date information as soon as it becomes available.

Thank you for your patience as we navigate these difficult and uncertain times.

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About the author

Gymnastics BC

We are responsible for the governance, promotion, and development of gymnastics in BC and are dedicated to making gymnastics an accessible sport for all.