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How to Withdraw Competitive Athletes from One Category in Order to Register them in a Different Category

December 05, 2023

Competitive Athlete Category Changes in Uplifter

Clubs need to withdraw their competitive athletes from their current level/category in Uplifter in order to then register them in the new, correct level/category, including the MAG/WAG UNDECLARED competitive categories. To do this, please navigate to your individuals in the GymBC Uplifter portal. As an FYI, yes this must be done one athlete profile at a time.

NOTE: clubs can only withdraw competitively registered athletes, not rec or interclub. So, if you accidentally registered someone in rec or interclub but they actually are competitive, don't try to withdraw them from their rec or interclub membership, just go ahead and register them in the appropriate competitive category.

When logged in to Uplifter, click on the “Individuals” tab from the dark grey bar, in the middle’ish of the page.

If you do not see the dark grey bar, navigate to your account name at the top of the page (between "Shopping Cart" and "GBC Club Administrator Guides"), then select "My Account". You should now see the dark grey bar including the "Individuals" tab.




After you have clicked on "Individuals", click on “Filter Individual By:”, which is right below the “New Individual”, “Find Individual”, and “Individual Import” options right below the “Individuals” heading.




You can now lookup the individual names via the “Individual Name” box, then click the blue “Filter” button at the bottom, to display JUST those profiles (that you presumably need to update). You may instead wish to filter by “Registered Season” and select the current membership year as well as by “Registered Category”, and enter “Women’s Artistic” in the box for WAG, “Men’s Artistic” for MAG, and “Trampoline Gymnastics” for TG. After you do that, when you then press the filter button it will bring up all the competitive registered athletes in your selected category(ies) for the membership year that you selected.

From the list of athletes that you should now have, find the ones you need to change and click on them to open their profiles. You may wish to open each one in a new tab in your web browser so that the main page with the list of all your athletes remains easily accessible to you on the first tab.

Once you are on one of the profiles you need to change, scroll to the bottom of the page where you see their “Registered Memberships” data, including invoice number(s). To withdraw them, click on the withdrawal icon beside the registered membership you wish to withdraw them from. The icon looks like a calendar with an X on it (circled in red, below).

From there, a pop-up box will appear giving you the option to withdraw the athlete from the selected membership.

After you click the blue “Withdraw Now” button, you will see another pop-up box which will display that the athlete has been withdrawn from the category. You can close that box and you are now ready to register that athlete in the correct category you wish to register them in.

There will be no fee charged for the registration of the athlete in a new / corrected membership category, because payment would have already been processed on the original invoice that they were registered on for this year. Withdrawing athletes from competitive categories so they can be registered in a different competitive category does not interfere with the financial part of the transaction of their previous registration, as long as you use the same profiles in Uplifter to register your athletes. 

If you register athlete A using profile 1 then withdraw them and later register a different profile for the same athlete, i.e. profile 2, you WILL be charged a second membership fee. This is one of the reasons why it is important to use existing Uplifter profiles for individuals rather than creating new profiles each year.

After you have withdrawn your athletes, you can either register them individually (in their corrected categories) via this page, or you can prepare a spreadsheet import file and register them via the Excel import process.

Please contact us if you have any questions. Thanks!

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Gymnastics BC

We are responsible for the governance, promotion, and development of gymnastics in BC and are dedicated to making gymnastics an accessible sport for all.