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BC Societies Update For Member Clubs

APRIL 21, 2023

Gymnastics BC has recently received questions about changes to BC Societies. A few changes have been implemented, but for the most part, these probably will not affect your club. The main change that was instituted, is the ability for Directors to request removal from a Society in the event that the Society does not process that change in a timely manner. Now, there is a method for the Director to request their removal directly from BC Societies, without having to rely on the Society (i.e. club) to process that change. 

We created a two-page document to help clubs determine what it means to be a registered Society and what is required to be compliant. You can access this document HERE.

If you have any questions, please contact and we will do our best to provide you with the relevant information and/or point you in the right direction.

About the author

Gymnastics BC

We are responsible for the governance, promotion, and development of gymnastics in BC and are dedicated to making gymnastics an accessible sport for all.