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BC’s Restart Plan And GBC’s Return To Play

MAY 7, 2020


BC’s Restart Plan

BC’s Premier, John Horgan, together with BC’s Minister of Health and Provincial Health Officer, recently announced BC’s Restart Plan; a guide to restarting the economy following the COVID-19 pandemic.

BC’s Restart Plan outlines a careful, four-phase approach to reopening businesses across the province. According to the online plan, recreation and sport has been classified as part of phase two (beginning in mid-May), and all PSO’s must submit proposals that must be approved by provincial health services prior to reopening any sport facilities.

Until there is a vaccine, gatherings of over 50 people will remain banned. GBC will work together with clubs to find creative ways to reopen operations, such as by staggering classes, holding classes in different spaces, and more.

For the past few weeks, Gymnastics BC has been working on a Return to Play Plan, which sets out the requirements GBC clubs must follow in order to reopen and provide services.
Club Reopening Procedures: Return to Play Plan

The health and safety of GBC participants and communities is at the heart of everything we do.

Gymnastics BC has taken proactive action to develop our Return to Play Plan. This plan will include requirements, following government orders which must be implemented by member clubs moving forward.
Our Return to Play Plan is in the final stages of development, and will be reviewed by viaSport next week to ensure compliance with all necessary requirements. GBC will then submit its plan for government approval.

As we move forward, GBC staff are committed to providing open, honest communication. Before submitting a final version of the Return to Play Plan to the government, we will host a virtual Town Hall and will share a draft version with clubs to gather feedback. Town Hall details will be shared in the coming days.

COVID-19 has taken something from all of us; people are out of work, and businesses have been impacted. GBC staff are working hard to ensure that clubs can safely reopen in a timely manner, and are seeking creative ways to adapt to the new sport landscape and help clubs adjust to the ‘new normal’. 

Our Commitment Moving Forward

We recognize that this is a rapidly evolving situation and our commitment is to provide you with up-to-date information as soon it becomes available.
Please stay up-to-date by visiting the following websites regularly for updated information:

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About the author

Gymnastics BC

We are responsible for the governance, promotion, and development of gymnastics in BC and are dedicated to making gymnastics an accessible sport for all.