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Funding Opportunities.

Gymnastics BC has a number of funding opportunities accessible to current members. Available internal funding opportunities are highlighted and detailed below.

Internal Funding Opportunities

Gymnastics BC Scholarships

Gymnastics BC scholarships are designed to assist our current members in their pursuit of post-secondary education. These Gymnastics BC Scholarships honour young British Columbia students who have:

  • Shown outstanding leadership traits and skills in gymnastics and within their community.
  • Demonstrated a personal contribution to gymnastics, their community, school and club.
  • Demonstrated participation and achievements in gymnastics and other activities.
  • Attained high scholastic achievements

Scholarships are presented during the Gymnastics BC awards ceremony each year.

To qualify for a Gymnastics BC scholarship, applicants must: 

  • Have been registered with Gymnastics BC as of June 30 of the current year.
  • Have been registered with Gymnastics BC for no less than five (5) years (does not need to be consecutive).
  • Have graduated or be graduating from a recognized B.C. secondary school program.
  • Have been accepted to attend or already attending a recognized Canadian post-secondary education institution.
  • Academic standings will be considered as part of the overall decision.

A completed application consists of the following elements:

  1. The Gymnastics BC scholarship application form, fully completed and signed by the applicant.
  2. Proof of acceptance or attendance at a recognized Canadian post-secondary education institution.
  3. A transcript of the applicant’s academic record (Secondary School and University/College, if applicable).
  4. An essay written by the applicant, up to 500 words in length, on one of the two topics listed below:
    • Describe the impact that gymnastics has had on your life.
    • Describe how you have contributed to gymnastics, your club and/or Gymnastics BC.
  5. A letter of support from the applicant’s current Gymnastics BC club (coach, administrator, etc). Letters from past coaches/supervisors may also be submitted.
  6. Any additional information which supports the application.

Materials submitted will not be returned to the applicant and remain the property of Gymnastics BC.

Application Deadline: July 31, 2023

2023 Scholarships

If you have applied for a scholarship, you will be contacted in August regarding the status of your application. Scholarship awards will be distributed in the Fall.

WAG, MAG & TG Funding

See each discipline's operating manual for more info.

Travel Subsidy

Many athletes that participate in the GymBC Championships are eligible for funding to offset expenses incurred while travelling to and from the events.  For more information regarding who is eligible and the application process, please click the link below. 

BC Athlete Assistance Program

The BC Athlete Assistance Program (BC AAP) is a program funded by the BC Government which provides grants to provincial sport organizations and post-secondary institutions to help athletes train and compete. By recognizing high performance athletes (selected by provincial sport organizations and post-secondary institutions) who compete in recognized national or international competitions, the BC AAP relieves some of the financial pressures associated with training and competition needs. Gymnastics BC focuses on supporting athletes who are in the position to compete for Team BC at the Canada Games and who are ranked just below athletes receiving Sport Canada Athlete Assistance Program funding (S1/S2 carding levels).

External Funding Opportunities

Aside from Gymnastics BC’s diverse internal funding opportunities, there are many external funding opportunities which can provide financial assistance to BC athletes. Some available external funding opportunities are detailed below.