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Gymnastics BC Membership


Club or Group Registration

Annual registration fee: $600 (for 2024-25). There is a $50 late fee if payment is received after August 31.

A member club offers competitive, recreational and/or one-time participant programs.

A member club may be formally constituted as a not-for-profit society or established as a for-profit business.

A member club must register every individual member in order to maintain membership in good standing with GymBC. Failure to do so may jeopardize insurance coverage and may result in non-renewal of membership with GymBC.

If a competitive club’s facilities are located in a publicly operated (municipal) recreation centre and they are therefore unable to charge membership fees due to policy, the competitive club must still register as a member club and register all of its gymnasts, and the public centre should be registered as an associate member. 

(see Become a GymBC member club for new club membership process)

Submit the following to GymBC by August 31:

  1. Completed GymBC member club renewal form, you can find the form on this page.
  2. Applicable membership fees.

Clubs that have not renewed their membership by August 31 will not be registered as members and will not receive the associated benefits (including insurance coverage).

More details and benefits of membership in the registration handbook.

For more information, contact

Become A GymBC Member Club

A new club that wishes to apply to become a member club of GymBC must submit a new member club application form along with the required membership fee. The new club member applicant will be considered by GymBC’s Board of Directors.

The GymBC Board of Directors reviews all new member club applications. The Board has sole discretion to approve or deny member club membership.

The New Club Membership review and approval process may take several months. Following Board review, notification of status will be provided to the applicant. 

The Board may refuse a new application for membership for reasons including, but not limited to:

  • incomplete application.
  • history of failing to be a member in good standing with any other provincial or national sport organization.
  • concern over training, safety, personnel or risk management issues.

If the new member club membership is denied, the member club registration fees will be returned to the applicant.

Please allow ample time between the submission of your application and your anticipated program start date.

All new clubs are placed on probation for one year to ensure compliance with all GymBC policies.

All new clubs on probation with GymBC are required to provide a deposit against membership fees. The deposit is based on the number of programs offered and anticipated membership size of the club.

Number of members and deposit amount

  • Under 100 members: $500
  • Up to 300 members: $1,500
  • Up to 500 members:  $2,000

The deposit is held by GymBC until the end of the club’s probationary period. At the club’s request, a deposit can either be returned or utilized towards future invoices. At any time during the probationary period, GymBC may, at its discretion, apply all or part of the deposit to invoices in arrears. 

All clubs on probation are required to make payment at the time an invoice is issued. New clubs are not extended a 30-day grace period to pay invoices.

For a new club to apply to become a GymBC member club, the following must be submitted for consideration by the GymBC Board of Directors:

  1. Completed GymBC new member club application form. See this page for the form
  2. The application form must be submitted with the following:
    1. Letter of introduction (describing the club, facility, staff, coaching ratio)
    2. Details regarding what types of programs you will be offering.
    3. Letter from landlord, city, municipality, or lease confirming club training location
    4. Copy of Certificate of Incorporation, Certificate of Good Standing or Business License
    5. Copy of Criminal Record Checks for principals or officers (e.g. owner, manager, head coach), if not already on file with GymBC)
  3. Applicable membership fee.

*The Gymnastics BC membership season runs from September 1 – August 31. Fees will be prorated based on remaining portion of the membership year. You will be required to renew your membership with Gymnastics BC for the following season.

For more information, contact

Associate Member

Annual registration fee: $0

GymBC Associate Membership is for organizations already covered under a corporate insurance plan (with minimum $5 M coverage), including, but not limited to: all public recreation departments, community centers, YM/YWCAs and schools.

Associate Membership provides access to Gymnastics for All services for programmers, participants, teachers and coaches involved in the community recreational and school aspects of gymnastics.

Associate Members are not eligible to participate in GymBC recreational or competitive events. Programs with participants and/or coaches involved in GymBC events, training in the same facility as associate members, may be registered under the GymBC club membership guidelines.

Insurance coverage is provided to the GymBC Member Club (NOT the Associate Member). The Associate Member must submit a Certificate of Insurance (COI) with their Associate Membership Registration request form, as evidence that they have $5 million (or greater) in liability insurance coverage. The COI must include, as additional insureds, Gymnastics BC as well as the GymBC member club(s) that the Associate Member will be attending.

Click the following for a Sample COI.

A summary of GymBC's current insurance coverage is available here.

The following conditions must be met:

  • The facility/group applying for associate membership may not be a subsidiary of a GymBC member club.
  • The program/activity must be sanctioned by GymBC and conducted in a GymBC member club or the associate member’s school/facility by the member club’s certified coaches.
  • Adequate instructor to student ratio must be maintained.
  • Coverage is provided to encourage introductory classes only.
  • Individual participants are limited to a maximum of eight (8) training classes per year at any one GymBC member club. If they would like to attend more classes, they must register as recreational members of a GymBC member club.
  • Associate member to provide a participant list for each program to the GymBC member club delivering the program(s). This participant list will be retained in the club’s annual records.
    – A public access report of field trip data will be submitted to GymBC by the member club on a monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly basis. 
  • Associate members assume responsibility to inform participants and/or parents of participants, of the inherent risk of sport and obtain written parental permission and Assumption of Risks/Waiver forms.
  • Coaches must assess participant’s readiness to determine level of participation and limitations required for the associate member program (including determination by a Level 2 coach or Competition 1 trained coach if inverted skills are allowed).
  • On each visit the member club must provide/review gym orientation, rules, and safety information to participants, and enforce gym rules.
  • Post Gym Safety posters and review during pre-activity gym orientation.

Submit the GymBC Associate Member form available on this page. Note: you will need to submit proof of liability insurance with your registration form. Click the following link to see a Sample COI.

  1. Once approved GymBC will contact the individual who submitted the Associate Member application form as well as the GymBC member club, to notify of the application status.
Associate member information is also available in the Registration Handbook.

If you have any questions, please send a message to

Auxiliary Member

Annual registration fee. See this page for the current fee.

GymBC auxiliary membership is for parent associations and booster groups who are defined as not-for-profit societies, affiliated with a GymBC member club. 

These groups’ purpose is to support the member clubs with fundraising activities and assist with programs and operations

Submit the following to GymBC:

  1. Completed GymBC auxiliary member registration form. See this page for the form
  2. Applicable membership fee

More details and benefits of membership in the registration handbook.

Individual Member Registration

Members Affiliated with a Member Club


Member clubs must register every individual member in order to maintain membership with GymBC. Failure to do so may jeopardize insurance coverage and may result in non-renewal of membership with GymBC.

Membership may be managed either online through a designated registration program or by manual registration forms, but must be submitted to GymBC electronically.

Gymnastics BC’s registration management system is Uplifter. Clubs are provided with an administrative account to register members. Club administrator guides are available here.

Members can be registered using one of the following methods:

  • Individual registrations in Uplifter.
  • File import registrations in Uplifter (you can obtain the current year’s membership SKUs list on this web page, located under “Reporting and Cross Training Requests”).
  • All clubs must import their own individual member registrations in Uplifter.

The following fields and formats are mandatory:

  1. First name
  2. Last name
  3. Gender
  4. Birthdate (yyyy-mm-dd)
  5. Address, city, province, postal code
  6. Home phone number
  7. SKU(s) (see above) to register your individuals in. An individual can be registered in more than one SKU – in the same membership year. Just separate multiple SKUs by a comma. Your club will only be charged for the most expensive membership, not both/all of them. Note: you cannot register an individual for two membership years on the same Uplifter invoice.
  8. NCCP number & RiS (date & certificate number) – for coaches
NOTE: Email address is a highly recommended field but is not mandatory.

Uplifter information

The current membership year will end at the end of day August 31st. ALL Gymnastics BC individual memberships for the year MUST be submitted to Uplifter no later than September 15th.

Gymnastics BC member clubs must submit their individual member registrations on a monthly basis. The FIRST submission deadline for each new membership year is September 30th, and from that point forward, clubs can choose whether to submit their monthly memberships at the end of each month, the first day of the following month, or on the 15th of the following and subsequent months.

Minors: Records of registration including participant lists and waivers must be retained and accessible until 2 years after the participant has reached the age of majority (in BC, YK, NWT, and NU, the age of majority is 19 years old). For example, the form of a 5-year recreational participant must be retained and accessible until the participant is 21 years old (2 years after they turn 19).

Adults: Records of registration including participant lists and waivers must be retained and accessible for 7 years.

Individual Member Registration

Members Not Registered with a Member Club

Independent members are coaches, judges and volunteers who are not members of a member club who wish to participate in Gymnastics BC sanctioned competitions, events and courses (excluding GymBC hosted Gymnaestradas).

Coaches and judges not affiliated with a member club must register as independent members prior to participation in any GymBC sanctioned activities.

How to register

Submit the GymBC independent member registration form and pay the appropriate membership fees as per the form. You can find the form on this page.

More details and benefits of membership in the registration handbook.

For more information, contact

Independent athletes are athletes who are in bad standing with a member club, training at another member club and wish to participate in a competition or Interclub event.

These athletes belong to a member club, but the GymBC board and appropriate technical committee have required that they be identified as independent for the season. 

How to register

  1. Complete an Independent Athlete registration form – contact GymBC Member Services Manager to request a link to the form. The current Independent Athlete registration fee is $360.
  2. Complete an Independent Athlete Competition/Event Admin Fee form with $200 payment. One form and $200 fee required for each competition/event.

More details and benefits of membership in the registration handbook.

For more information, contact

Membership FAQs

Click the button below to go to our Membership FAQs page.