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Gymnastics BC Membership

Public Access Programs.

Public Access Programs

Public access programs include programs providing access to the services or facilities of a member club for a more public use. They are recreational in nature and offered under club supervision. The gymnastics component may not be as dominate or regularly scheduled.

Public access program participants include one-time visitors (non-members), birthday party attendees, and associate member participants (e.g. field trip attendees). See Associate Membership for details:

Managing One-time Participants

Clubs must keep written records of birthday parties, one-time visitors, and associate member participants. This information is required for insurance purposes to ensure liability insurance coverage for those programs. For each visit, a club must keep records of the activity, date, and list of participants (first and last names) on file for a minimum of seven years.

Clubs are required to use the Assumption of Risks/Waiver form for ALL public access program visitors (including Associate member adult teachers and/or assistants) with the exception of minors attending Associate member programs (it is the responsibility of Associate members to inform the participants/parents of the inherent risk of the sport and obtain any consent for minors to participate). 

Details about the Assumption of Risks/Waiver management can be found under the “Required Waiver Usage” appendix in the Registration Handbook. Clubs are also required to post and review the gym safety rules for these program participants prior to any gymnastics participation.

One-Time (Non-Member) Visitors

A one-time visitor is not a registered member of GymBC and sport accident insurance is not provided. Liability coverage is provided under the club’s GymBC membership.

A one-time visitor may be a guest participant in a one-time event including workshops and special event days (bring-a-friend day, gym promotional events, parent days, etc.).

Visitors who participate more than once in a regular program must be registered appropriately, as a casual or a recreational member. 

Clubs must inform participants and/or parents in any program-related collateral (website, brochure, registration forms, etc.) about gym safety rules and the inherent risks of sport participation. Clubs must also provide information to participants about gym orientation, rules, and safety, and enforce those rules.

Coaches must assess participants abilities in order to determine permitted levels of participation and limitations required for one-time visits. Refer to the Registration Handbook for trampoline insurance limitation information.

Drop-in participants are NOT considered one-time visitors. A drop-in participant must be registered as a casual or recreational member.

There is a $5.00 fee per participant.

Birthday Parties

Birthday party participants who are not already club members, are considered one-time visitors but do not have to pay the one-time visitor (non-member) fee. 

Only liability insurance (not sport accident insurance) is provided for one-time visitors at birthday parties. Visitors and their parents should be properly informed of this. 

  • GymBC's accident insurance coverage is provided to registered club members that attend birthday parties at that club. 

There is a $6.50 fee per party.

Excluding Birthday Parties

Field Trips and Other One-time Participants

School programs (or a daycare, for example) where classes visit a gymnastics facility or where certified club coaches go into a school on behalf of a GymBC member club (PE instruction or teacher in-service) to provide introductory gymnastic training are included in the Associate Membership. 

The school must register as an Associate Member of GymBC and meet the Associate Membership conditions.

It is the responsibility of the Associate Member to inform the participants/parents of the inherent risk of the sport and obtain signed consent for each participant.

There is a $6.50 fee per field trip visit.

NOTE: the fee is per class, per field trip. i.e. if Class A attends from 10-10:45am and Class B attends from 11-11:45am, those would count as two field trips, one for class A and one for class B.

Public Access Reporting Process to GymBC

GymBC member clubs must submit the participation data for birthday parties, one-time visitors and Associate Member activities on a monthly basis, bi-monthly, or quarterly. 

Clubs must report the following:

  • Number of birthday parties during the month ($6.50/party).
  • Number of school/field trips during the month ($6.50/field trip).
    This is per per class, per field trip. i.e. if Class A attends from 10-10:45am and Class B attends from 11-11:45am, those would count as two field trips, one for class A and one for class B.
  • Number of non-member one-time participant attendees ($5.00/participant).

Public access reporting must be completed using the following Public access report form. This report form automatically calculates fees owed to GymBC for the reporting period(s) and generates an invoice to the club.