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Gymnastics BC Membership


Membership FAQs


Click here for details how to become a new Gymnastics BC member club.

Member clubs must renew their membership with Gymnastics BC by August 31. Click here for details on how to renew your club membership.

Yes, parent booster clubs need to register as Auxiliary members. You can find information on Auxiliary membership, here.

Fees & Deadlines

Monthly reporting is required. The FIRST membership submission for the new year is due September 30th.

Gymnastics BC and Gymnastics Canada membership fees can be found here.

For information on how to register your individual members, please click here.

September 1 – August 31

No, the Gymnastics BC membership fee is valid from September 1 – August 31, regardless of date of purchase.

No, Gymnastics BC does not prorate membership fees.

Yes, all members (athletes, coaches, judges, volunteers & staff) must pay the Gymnastics Canada fee, except for casual recreational members.

All individuals who take part in gymnastics programming at a GymBC member club must pay the Gymnastics BC membership fee, which includes a portion that is remitted to Gymnastics Canada.

A drop in program should be treated as regular programming. The individual should be registered as either a recreational casual* participant or a recreational annual participant. 

Membership fees

*Casual participants can visit a single club up to eight (8) times between September and June and they may also visit an unlimited number of times in July and August to attend summer programming. 

Casual membership is non-transferrable between clubs, so if an individual participates as a casual participant at more than one club, they will be required to pay the Casual membership fee at each club. This is due to difficulty in coordinating and tracking the number of visits between multiple clubs.

Field trip information can be found here.

Information regarding field trips and trampoline insurance can be found here.

Birthday party information can be found here.

Information about one-time non-members can be found here.

Gymnastics BC’s registration management system is Uplifter.

Records of registration (for minors) including participant lists must be retained and accessible until 2 years after the participant has reached the age of majority (in BC, YK, NWT, and NU, the age of majority is 19 years old).

Records of registration for adults need to be kept secure for seven years, similar to financial records.

Adult participants: the form must be retained and accessible for 7 years.

Minor participants: the form must be retained and accessible until 2 years after the participant has reached the age of majority (in BC, YK, NWT, and NU, the age of majority is 19 years old). For example, the form of a 5-year old recreational participant must be retained and accessible until the participant is 21 years old (2 years after they turn 19).

GymBC membership fees are non-refundable. If a participant takes part in any gymnastics programming, they cannot receive a refund. 

No, the caregiver does not need to become a member of Gymnastics BC, but they must sign the Assumption of Risks / Liability Release form.

No, a parent in a parent & tot program does not need to become a member of Gymnastics BC, but they must sign sign the Assumption of Risks / Liability Release form.


The deadline to change MAG & WAG categories is March 1 until after BC Championships.

Please see this news article for information how to make changes to artistic competitive athlete categories.

There is no deadline to change TG categories.

No, casual members do not pay zone fees.

No, trampoline gymnasts do not pay zone fees.

Yes, competitive athletes who wish to transfer clubs must notify GymBC. See Transfer to a New Club for details.

No, recreational athletes can move freely between GymBC member clubs and can be registered at more than one club.

Clubs may wish to contact GymBC to verify that an individual is registered at another GymBC member club. See Transfer to a New Club.