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Series of Skills

MAG Passport

The Men’s Artistic Gymnastics Passport contains the series of skills developed by the Gymnastics BC Men’s Technical Committee, during the 2017 Men’s Program Retreat, under the leadership of provincial coach, Richard Ikeda, and guidance from the 2016- 17 committee chairman, Michael D. Hood.

This passport contains a list of skills essential to developing a gymnast to his fullest potential, starting from Provincial Level 2 and culminating at Senior High Performance.

Each apparatus has six levels of skill acquisition. Gymnasts will be evaluated using the criteria,‘Beginning’ (B), ‘Training’ (T) or ‘Competition Ready’ (C) in order to determine their level of skill mastery. When all elements in a Series (S) are ‘Competition Ready,’ that series of skills will be stamped as “Certified.” Gymnasts are able to develop at different rates of improvement on every apparatus, as each apparatus is evaluated independently. A gymnast may, for example, be certified at S4 on Pommel Horse and working at S2 on High Bar.

Gymnasts are encouraged to reference their passport often, so they can monitor their progress and areas of improvement, taking ownership of their gymnastics career. Passports can only be updated during testing at Gymnastics BC Provincial or Elite camps.

For more information on this passport, please contact Gymnastics BC’s Men’s Program Manager.

Beginning (B)
The athlete is just starting the skill. They may not be able to perform it on every try, they may need spot to complete it, and/or they are able to perform it but with large errors/falls.
Training (T)
The athlete is actively training the skill. They need little to no spot to complete it, they can perform it confidently, there are no large errors the majority of the time, they can perform the skill in a short sequence of other elements.
Competing (C)
The athlete can perform the skill on competition equipment with little to no extra matting, and no spot. They can perform the skill in a sequence of other elements (i.e., routine). They may incur some small to medium deductions when performing the skill.

Floor Exercise

Skill B T C Initial
S1 Handstand hold 10 sec.
3 front handspring series
Front tuck
3 back handspring series
S2 Straddle L-sit hold 5 sec.
Front layout
Back handspring back layout
S3 Straddle L-sit hold 10 sec.
Straddle press handstand
Front handspring flyspring
Front handspring front tuck
Front layout*
Back handspring back layout*
Back layout 1/1
Skill B T C Initial
S4 Handstand hold 20 sec.
Front tuck, front tuck
Front hanspring front layout
Front layout 1/1
Back layout 3/2
Back layout 2/1
Back whip back layout
Arabian tucked
S5 Front layout front layout
Front layout 2/1
Back layout 5/2
Double back tuck
Arabian tucked*
S6 Press to Japanese handstand
Front layout 5/2
Double front tuck
Back layout 3/1
Double back with twist
D + B connection

Pommel Horse

Skill B T C Initial
S1 5 circles (floor mushroom)
5 flairs (mushroom)
1/2 spindle (mushroom)
180° Russian (mushroom)
S2 1/1 spindle (mushroom)
360° Russian (mushroom)
5 loops (long horse)
5 downhill loops (long horse)
2 loops (one pommel)
S3 5 pendulum swings
5 side loops (long horse)
3 flairs (long horse)
360° Russian (long horse)
5 loops (one pommel)
Skill B T C Initial
S4 1 scissor
Magyar (long horse)
Sivado (long horse)
360° Russian (on end)
10 side loops (pommels)
3 stöckli series (one pommel)
S5 3 scissor series
C or D Magyar
Direct Stöckli B
720° Russian
C or higher handstand dismount
S6 5 scissor series
Wu Guonian
1080° Russian
6 flops series
Any scissor handstand
D or higher handstand dismount

Still Rings

Skill B T C Initial
S1 Muscle up
L-sit hold 3 sec. (rings out)
Press shoulder stand
Straddle back lever
Swings to horizontal (fwd. + bwd.)
S2 Bent arm, bent body press to handstand
Swing to 45° (fwd. + bwd.)
Dislocate with small shoulder rise
Inlocate with small shoulder rise
Back uprise
From support, fwd. roll to hang
Back layout
S3 Handstand hold 5 sec.
Straddle front and back lever hold 3 sec.
Tucked planche hold 3 sec.
Dislocate (shoulders ring height)
Inlocate (shoulders ring height)
Back uprise straddle L-sit
Back tuck dismount from support
Skill B T C Initial
S4 Straight arm, bent body press to handstand
Straddle planche hold 3 sec.
Back giant (bent arms)
Front giant (bent arms)
Felge to back tuck dismount
Double back tuck
S5 Handstand hold 10 sec.
Handstand lower through maltese to back lever
Cross hold 3 sec.
Swing to straddle planche hold 3 sec.
Back giant
C or higher dismount
S6 Straight arm, bent body press to handstand
Maltese hold 3 sec.
Cross pull out
Planche hold 3 sec.
Front giant
D or higher handstand dismount


Skill B T C Initial
S1 Front tuck (stacked mats)
Handspring (mini tramp)
Round-off (mini tramp)
Round-off back tuck off board
S2 Front tuck over table
Handspring front tuck (mini tramp)
Tsukahara tucked (mini tramp)
Yurchenko back tuck salto (stacked mats)
S3 Front layout (stacked mats)
Handspring front tuck 1/2 (mini tramp)
Tsukahara layout (mini tramp)
Round-off back layout off board
Skill B T C Initial
S4 Front layout over table
Handspring front tuck
Tsukahara or Yurchenko tucked
S5 Front layout over table
Handspring front pike 1/2
Tsukahara or Yurchenko layout
S6 Handspring front layout 1/2 or Roche
Kasamatsu, Tsukahara 1/1, or Yurchenko 1/1

Parallel Bars

Skill B T C Initial
S1 L-sit hold 10 sec.
10 swings to horizontal
Kip, swing to horizontal
Moy to upper arms from swing
Handstand bail to box
S2 Press handstand
10 swing handstands
Kip, swing to handstand
Pirouette on parallettes
Moy to upper arm from handstand
Peach bails
Front tuck
Back tuck
S3 10 swing handstands*
Kip, swing to handstand*
Moy from handstand
Peach to long hang
Back layout
Skill B T C Initial
S4 Front uprise swing handstand
Stützkehre (spotted)
Moy piked from handstand
Peach to support
Front layout
Double back tuck
S5 Stützkehre
Healy to upper arm
3 giant series
Peach to handstand
Double back pike
S6 3 stützkehre series
5 front uprise swing handstand series
5 back uprise handstand series
3 peach to handstand series
E or higher dismount

Horizontal Bar

Skill B T C Initial
S1 Swings to horizontal
Swing 1/2 turn
5 back uprise series
Straight back hip circle
Back tuck
S2 Swing 1/2 turn to 45°
Back giant
Back uprise (feet bar height)
Back uprise, free hip (horizontal)
Back layout
S3 Swing 1/2 turn to handstand
Front giant
Kip, cast to handstand
Jam cast, back uprise to handstand
Free hip to handstand
Giant to back layout
Skill B T C Initial
S4 Hop 1/2 turn
Blind change
Flying giant
Healy to mixed el-grip
Tong Fei tap
Double back tuck
S5 Quast
2 C or higher flight elements
Adler 1/2
Double back layout
S6 Healy to el-grip
2 D or higher flight elements
Adler 1/1
Double layout 1/1