For all categories, an athlete’s age is determined by their birth year subtracted from the competition year; i.e., athletes born on January 1 and December 31 of the same calendar year are considered the same age, independent of when the competition takes place.
Men's Artistic Gymnastics (MAG)
Men's Artistic Gymnastics (MAG) is a captivating and demanding discipline that showcases incredible strength, agility, and precision. It is a prominent part of the gymnastics world, featuring a series of challenging routines performed by male athletes.
MAG competitions are renowned for their impressive displays of power, control, and athleticism, captivating audiences around the globe.

MAG Pathway
GymBC offers competitive programs for men’s artistic gymnastics from grassroots to high performance. In the following chart, ages have been indicated so that the table does not have to be redone every year. Please consult the GymBC Registration Handbook, sent to all clubs at the beginning of the season, or the GymCan Program Documents (Provincial or Elite Pathways) to have exact birth year for each age group.
All athletes’ ages are based on the year of competition and their birth year (i.e., in 2021, an athlete born in 2011 is considered 10 all year because they turn 10 in 2021). See each separate program’s age category chart. GymBC may merge categories if the number of registered participants is insufficient.
Supplement Programs
KickStart is the provincial Physical Abilities testing program for provincial level gymnasts. Developed by Vancouver Phoenix Gymnastics, the program is now used by Gymnastics BC.
KICKSTART Level 1 KICKSTART Level 2 KICKSTART Level 3 KICKSTART Level 4 Scoring Spreadsheet Achievement Certificate
Canadian Provincial Pathway
The Canadian Provincial Pathway was developed by Gymnastics Canada for all Canadian gymnasts not competing at the Elite level. As a multi-level program, it promotes mass participation and the safe development of the athletes.
It is a competitive program with six progressive and logical stages to choose from which support smooth transition from one level to the next. The provincial pathway is a modification of the FIG Junior rules and therefore, all junior rules apply.
Canadian Elite Pathway
The Canadian Elite Pathway was developed by Gymnastics Canada for all Canadian gymnasts not competing at the Provincial level. Its goal is to prepare Age Group gymnasts to successfully compete at the Senior International level.
It is a competitive program with five categories of competition beginning with Elite Level 3 and progressing to Senior.
For all categories, an athlete’s age is determined by their birth year subtracted from the competition year; i.e., athletes born on January 1 and December 31 of the same calendar year are considered the same age, independent of when the competition takes place.
Other Resources
More Info & Links
If you are interested in learning more about Men's Artistic Gymnastics contact the MAG Program Manager.
MAG Technical Committee
A group of incredible volunteers make up the MAG Technical Committee. They are an advisory committee to GymBC.
- Chair: Michael J. Hood
- Vice Chair: Ken Ikeda
- Judging Chair: Chris Sheremeta
- Coaching Chair: Kris Krunick
- Athlete Representative: Carson Ogg
- Member at Large: Michael Sergeant
- Member at Large: Mark Rowbotham
- Provincial Performance Advisor: Richard Ikeda
- MAG Competitive Program Coordinator (Non-Voting): Thorstein Fischer
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